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Nostalgic friend come....

Writer's picture: TSUSHIMITSUSHIMI


南アルプスでワイナリーを営む” ドメーヌ ヒデ ”の渋谷さんが開店のお祝いに来てくれました。

何年ぶり? 随分と久しぶりの再会でした。













Well, I was glad.

Mr. Shibutani of "Domaine Hide" who runs a winery in the Southern Alps city came to celebrate the opening of my restaurant.

How many years? It was a long time since we met again.

What's more, the mowing machine was the present that he brought to celebrate.

As expected. I know (laughs). I will use it for my wife at once.

I personally like Hide's wine, and I used to have an event at my restaurant in Tokyo a long time ago.

At the award ceremony of Gault et millau, He was rushed to open a store, and after all, He let me make an original blended wine and released.

Maybe because I'm the same age,

And above all, Hide was originally a "clinical psychologist" and started making wine after 50, the first release, Wow!!!

and his Koshu wine called "Shiroshiro" was the most delicious Koshu wine that has not been broken in my history.

A hard worker and a natural person. I like this kind of person like a him (laughs).

It seems that the challenge is still going on, so he will have a new cafe near his winery to be ready to open. and the Japanese version of Amarone made from dried grapes and the winery from now on.

From now on, he will be a good stimulus for me as the same Yamanashi people. (^^) /

Hide also seems to ride a bike, and he said, "Let's go touring together after harvesting."

I would like customers to taste Hide's wine as well. looking forward to!



都志見セイジ (つしみせいじ)




On May 26, 2022, a restaurant will be opened in a forest full of nature in Nirasaki City, Yamanashi Prefecture. Moreover, there is just only one table restaurant per day.
And it will be closed on May 25, 2032, just 10 years later. It's literally a restaurant for only 10 years.
A course dishes inspired by the "Japanese forest" formed from "sunshine", "water" and "earth", and also excellent wine made in this area," YAMANASHI " and spending time in the environment, air and space on our forest.
Enjoy extraordinary time.

1989年フランスへ渡り、3星レストラン等で6年間修業の後帰国。2000年にMIRAVILEオープン、そして2007年、Miravile Impactをオープンし、

" TSUSHIMI "オープン。



Born in Hiroshima in 1962. He moved to Tokyo at the age of 22 and after training at restaurants and hotels in Tokyo,
He moved to France in 1989 and returned to Japan after 6 years of training at a 3-star restaurant. He opened MIRAVILE in 2000 in Komaba Tokyo and Miravile Impact ( Dessert restaurant ) in Ginza Tokyo in 2007.
He has been Michelin-starred for three years at MIRAVILE since 2008. After that he declined and opened TSU・ SHI ・ MI in 2010.
He established "an original dish based on domestic production and consumption, with vegetables as the main dish and meat and seafood as side dishes."
Received the Best Chef Award at Gault et Millau in 2017. Cooking production, events, etc. in Beijing and Hong Kong
Held. Received the Discovery Award at the "World's Best Vegetable Restaurant Award" in 2021.
Moved to Nirasaki City, Yamanashi Prefecture from March 2022. Opened in May of the same year with the concept of "tasting the Japanese forest".

Chef  TSUSHIMI  Seiji

dining table2.jpg

コース料理 (13皿~14皿)      ¥50,000 / お一人様
                     ( 2023年6月1日より価格改定)


お人数                 2名様 ~ 4名様

                   (1日 1組様のみ)

​ご入店及び開始時間           15:00(ご相談に応じます)                                

Course  (13 ~ 14 dishes)                     ¥ 50,000 / per person 
                                                              ( Price revision from June 1, 2023 )
                                                               Drink pairing

                                                               Tax and service charge included

Number of people:                               2 to 4 people

                                                                (Only for one group per day)

Entering & Start time                          15:00 ( Negotiable )

Our Menu & More


京で開業して20年。「10年でレストランは朽ちる」というt都志見自らの持論のもとに、MIRAVILE、Miravile Impact 、TSU・SHI・MIでそれぞれ10年ごとにリノベーションし、新しいレストランの形にチャレンジしてきました。そしてその都度、多くのお客様にかわいがっていただき、支えていただきました。さて、この度、私たちにとって最後の10年をここ山梨県韮崎市の地に移住、移店し、シェフ都志見の「より自然に近い調理場で料理を作りたい」という長年の念願通りに、自然に囲まれたレストランを開業することができました。もちろん最後の10年限定のレストランということで閉店までのカウントダウンをお知らせすることも新しい試みの一つです。これまでの料理人としての集大成として「日本の森の料理を味わう」を大きな料理コンセプトに山梨県産の食材はもとより、これまで以上に自然の食材を取り入れながら、「Ingenius Japanese forest cuisine」独創的な日本の森の料理をお楽しみいただきたいと思っています。自然に囲まれた環境の中にあって都心から車で2時間と好立地なこの場所で、非日常的な空間とお料理をぜひお楽しみに足をお運びください。心よりお待ちしております。

About us

It has been 20 years since it opened in Tokyo.Based on Chef Tsushimi's own theory that "restaurants will decay in 10 years," MIRAVILE, Miravile Impact, and TSU ・SHI ・MI have been renovated every 10 years to take on the challenge of creating new restaurants. And each time, many customers loved and supported us. By the way, this time, for the last 10 years for us, we moved to Nirasaki City, Yamanashi Prefecture, and moved to a restaurant, and as Chef Tsushimi's long-cherished desire to "cook in a kitchen closer to nature", nature We were able to open a restaurant surrounded by. Of course, it is one of the new attempts to inform you of the countdown until the restaurant closes because it is a restaurant limited to the last 10 years. "Ingenius Japanese forest cuisine" is original while incorporating not only ingredients from Yamanashi prefecture but also natural ingredients more than ever, with the big cooking concept of "tasting Japanese forest cuisine" as a culmination of the past as a chef. I would like you to enjoy the cuisine of the Japanese forest. Please come and enjoy the extraordinary space and cuisine in this place, which is conveniently located 2 hours by car from Tokyo center in an environment surrounded by nature. We'll be waiting for your visit sincerely.


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Reservation is a complete introduction system, although it is truly selfish.
We do not have a telephone, so please email us for all reservation inquiries.
Please be sure to specify the name of the introducer when making a reservation and make a reservation by e-mail.
We will send you the details when you contact us to confirm your reservation.

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Restaurant TSUSHIMI

Nirasaki , Yamanashi

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